Saturday, December 8, 2012

LVTC Scholarship Race 10K/2M Recap

There is nothing better then the feeling that you did something worthwhile. Despite every fiber in my being telling me to go back to sleep this morning, I didn't. I got up and got ready for the Las Vegas Track Club Scholarship Race. It was a bit chilly this morning which I was not used to and only mildly prepared for. I think I need to stock up on warm weather running gear again. It seems to have all run off somewhere.

The race itself went well. I didn't have that annoying voice in my head telling me I sucked. I had my headphones on but didn't even really pay much to that either. I think I zoned out and just ran. Which was nice. We did have a slight goof with how the miles were marked. I thought when I saw mile marker two that there was no way I was at that distance but did not trust my GPS either so I turned around. Sure enough turning around was an error on my part so I did have to run past the finish and make up the distance. No big deal, only lost a few seconds on that whole thing, and being that I was doing the race just to get going again I wasn't worried about a PR. My time was 22:57. I think my last one at that distance was better but like I said, this was all about the fun. Still I got first place in my age division, but admittedly I was the only one in my age division. I will admit that it still made me smile. 

I met a nice couple originally from Flagstaff. They were pretty cool to talk to. They run a lot of marathons and the husband did pretty awesome at the 10K.

It was nice to be out running and it was a gorgeous morning for it.

Here are some pictures from the event:

I now have the elusive blue ribbon. 

Happy Birthday !


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