Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Reasons to NOT make Resolutions #Fitfluential

Many people look forward to the New Year for a new start on old habits.
I admit it. I use to make resolutions every year. Sure enough, like clockwork, by mid-January I had failed miserably at them and then begain to beat myself up a bit, with a subsequent resolve to try again. Like an endless roller coaster I went back and forth between being "good" and being "bad". Luckily I am also Catholic so I had Lent to try once more to make it happen. Often with the same results. One day, I just gave up on them altogether in frustration.

What is it about New Year's that entices us so? Why is it so difficult to stick to resolutions?

Reasons Against Setting Resolutions:
1. All good things take time, and your health is one of them. Waiting till a certain day to start is not going to help. Do it TODAY and be ahead of the game. Why wait?
2. Life Does Go On: What happens when the year is over? What happens to that great resolution then even if you are successful? Do you just give up on it?
3. "Most" Resolutions revolve around will power. Sure, it is important. Yet, if you always have blamed your lack of will power to follow through on a resolution each and every year will the clock striking midnight on December 31st change that, or will YOU change that?
4. NO fun. Most resolutions are negative. Giving up this or that. If you look at my goals for 2013 most revolve around doing fun things, and stretching them just a bit beyond what I did last year. Keep it fun.
5. Every day brings a new challenge that we can't always prepare for. Example: If you resolve to go to the gym everyday but you cannot afford to keep paying the membership (it CAN get pricey) then technically you failed a resoltuion even though you can still stay healthy and be active without a membership. Besides, rest days are important for your body to recover from a workout.
6. Unrealistic. We all work, have families, and a myriad of other responsibilties. Often resoltuions don't consider that we may need to be more flexible. Don't beat yourself up. Think more about where you want to go, and what STEPS you need to get there. Those are what goals are. It gives you a better look at the big picture rather then focusing on one snippet of it.
7. You have a LONG time to wait to get a WIN. The best reason for goal setting across a year instead of a resolution? You can reap the benefits much sooner. You can pat yourself on the back each time you strike one thing off that list. You won't have to wait until next December 31st to do it either!

Personally I think there is too much pressure to perform when it comes to resolutions. Every year I set a year long set of goals that I try to keep flexible, yet just challenging enough that I don't get complacent. For instance this year I would like to try one new fitness activity that I haven't done yet each month. This is not only doable, but far from boring. It definitely beats trying to cut out chocolate or coffee for an entire year (something I think is just downright crazy to attempt - LOL).

If New Year's Resolutions are your thing have at it. Some people are really, really good at it. Myself, I will be sticking to my rather lofty year-long goals. Either way, have a great 2013. All the best to you and those you love!


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Happy Holidays!

I just wanted to take the time to wish every one of you a safe, happy holiday season. If you were like me, the last few days have been hectic and you may not have been on your A-game when it came to working out. Today I hope to get some kind of run in after I finish up shopping for the hubby. I am so far behind on Christmas  this year. However, I gave myself the out on the excecise this week and just tried to not go crazy on the sweets. Kind of successful on that, but not as well as I hoped. Oh well.

Regardless, if you are traveling I hope you are safe and your trips are uneventful. Enjoy this time with your loved ones. That is the most important thing aboiut this time of year, right?



Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Hoover Dam 10K, 1/2 and Full Marathon (Volunteering)

I had the opportunity to volunteer for Calico Racing's Hoover Dam 10K, 1/2 and Full Marathon this past weekend. I arrived at 8 AM and it was cold and damp but luckily it was not drizzling anymore. I was prepared with lots of layers, as well as a few extra coats and a blanket in my car. To my surprise the sun began to peek out and I saw not one but two rainbows over the park. It was an awesome sight. Later on in the day it did warm up a bit so I was able to shed some layers. 

If you haven't volunteered for a race yet, as a runner I would encourage you to do so. Not only was it fun it was extremely rewarding. Being there to see every runner pass was remarkable, and I hope I helped make life a little easier for those on the course that day. 

Here are a few pictures.Congrats to all the runners, especially my friends who ran the race!

View of the Dam

The aid station I was at.


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Hey, fellow bloggers!!! #fitfluential

I take the time fairly often to read what other bloggers are up to. For me, it isn't just practical since many offer up some great workouts, recipes, and other great tips. It also helps to inspire me on those days that I may not be feeling my best or have a bit of self-doubt. That got me to thinking that it would be great to be able to send out some of those same blogs to other readers and include any link love and twitter happiness I can. All to give back a little bit.

Here is my proposal: If you are a blogger and would like to have one of your blogs from December featured in the newsletter please forward it to me by emailing it to Subject: Newsletter. I would like to have them by this coming Monday, December 31st so that I can get the newsletter out for the New Year. If you have a twitter handle please include that as well because I will tweet the newsletter and your handle too. If you haven't subscibed to the newsletter yet you can do so by entering your email at the bottom of any page on

It can be one you have already posted so don't feel that you need to sit down and write something new. Pick your favorite one from this month.

If this idea takes off I will do another newsletter in January.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Fab Virtual Racing - Virtual Run

I love my dog Castle every day
but today he really made his momma proud and also helped her out of a funk. Today was a rough day, so I really wasn't feeling a run, but forced myself to because I committed to a virtual race for 12-12-12. I only signed up for the 1.2 option because I am trying to build myself back up. The longest run my dog has done was about a half mile so this was going to be his farthest.

He did fantastic. He pulled a little bit at first but after awhile he got into the grove and ran with me instead of "for" me. The only time I had to stop was when I small dog was ahead of us and Castle got it in his head that it was time to play. I had to head him off and let them pass us. Besides that, he really did a great job of hanging by my side.

This event was directed by Charlene and Angela of Fab Virtual Racing. They each have their own blogs which you can fin under my Link Love page at Run With K.

I am really glad that I kept to my plan and did this run. Now I am relaxing with the pup, watching some TV, and watching patiently for my weekly Shemar Moore fix to begin (What can I say I love Criminal Minds).

Moral of the story, a dog and a run can be the perfect medicine for what ails you.

Here are some more photos from this evening's run. They're a bit blurry but still cute.

Post-run snack.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Dear Monday....

"Dear Monday, we are never ever getting back together, like ever."

That was my Facebook status today. My thanks to Miss Swift for today's status inspiration.

My day wasn't bad, but after almost 6 days of rest, relaxation, and fun I was not prepared for the mental and physical demands of a work week. I even worked a ten hour day today so I could have an early out on Friday. I know I will appreciate that later htis week but this morning I questioned my sanity.

Oh and I had 308 emails in my inbox today.


I am looking forward to a few things this week. I have a Komen event to attend this evening (which will cause me to to be very sleepy tomorrow as it wil be way past my bed time when I get home.) I have two Christmas parties this week as well as volunteerting for the Hoover Damn Half Marathon. I'll post more on that later in the week

We did get our Christmas treet last night but were so exhausted after getting the tree upstairs and all the decor out that we were too tired to put the ornaments on. By the time I get everything up it will likely be time to take it all down. Such is life.

Nothing overly exciting to report and no running today or the gym. I am hoping to get up tomorrow and head out for a bit because I am sure I'll be beat by the end of my work day.

Well at least it won't be Monday anymore....


Saturday, December 8, 2012

LVTC Scholarship Race 10K/2M Recap

There is nothing better then the feeling that you did something worthwhile. Despite every fiber in my being telling me to go back to sleep this morning, I didn't. I got up and got ready for the Las Vegas Track Club Scholarship Race. It was a bit chilly this morning which I was not used to and only mildly prepared for. I think I need to stock up on warm weather running gear again. It seems to have all run off somewhere.

The race itself went well. I didn't have that annoying voice in my head telling me I sucked. I had my headphones on but didn't even really pay much to that either. I think I zoned out and just ran. Which was nice. We did have a slight goof with how the miles were marked. I thought when I saw mile marker two that there was no way I was at that distance but did not trust my GPS either so I turned around. Sure enough turning around was an error on my part so I did have to run past the finish and make up the distance. No big deal, only lost a few seconds on that whole thing, and being that I was doing the race just to get going again I wasn't worried about a PR. My time was 22:57. I think my last one at that distance was better but like I said, this was all about the fun. Still I got first place in my age division, but admittedly I was the only one in my age division. I will admit that it still made me smile. 

I met a nice couple originally from Flagstaff. They were pretty cool to talk to. They run a lot of marathons and the husband did pretty awesome at the 10K.

It was nice to be out running and it was a gorgeous morning for it.

Here are some pictures from the event:

I now have the elusive blue ribbon. 

Happy Birthday !


Friday, December 7, 2012

A Day at Lovell Canyon

Our first AR-15, 20 inch barrel
If you were to ask me a year or so ago if I would ever fire a gun I would have told you that you were out of your mind. Seriously bonkers. I was never anti-guns but I just never really desired to learn how to shoot one. That all changed when we inherited some of Ben's grandfather's weapons. I decided that if were were to have them in the house that I better know how to safely handle and fire one.

Since then I have fired a .22, .38 (which we no longer have), 32, the FNP-40, a 9 MM, 30-30 rifle, and the baby of them all our AR-15 which we built piece by piece. I am also in the process of picking out the parts for our second AR-15 which will have shorter barrel, 14.5" to be exact.

It was also ironic that both weddings we had in October featured a day of shooting. The outing here in Vegas was with our cousins from California and the second was with members of Sarah's family and our friends while in Ohio - these events were one week apart.

I will never be a hunter. That I can assure you. I do love target shooting though and Ben and I regularly have little contests. He usually beats me but I am getting better and better.

After we were finished shooting we went for a mini-hike too just to take in the scenery.

Here are some photos from today:


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Word of the Day: Gluttony

Most of you can relate to not always being the healthiest in food choices. It is tough to be on your A-game ALL the time. Today was one of those days for me. You know what? It was worth it. My hubby Ben works at the Flamingo here in Las Vegas and his company's big holiday gift (insert smirk here) is a coupon to a free buffet for two. We had to go between Monday and Thursday so today, being that we are both on a staycation now, was the best day for us to go.

It was settled, we were off to Bacchanal Buffet at Caesars Palace.

We knew it was going to be a good meal from the start. We had made some friends in line, they were quirky just like us, and we ran into them often inside. It made for a fun lunch since they ended up being seated near us too. They were fun.

After we got our drinks it was off to the stations. Here are some photos from our big glutton-like meal.

Pumpkin Cheesecake, Peanut Butter Chocolate Cupcake, Tiramisu

Chocolate Crepe

Hello Lover

Ok, yes, I did eat real food. Meat station here I come!

I want these baskets!

I'm stuffed!
Well folks, the hubby and I definitely indulged today and that is okay. Sometimes you have to just enjoy things a bit. More incentive though to head to the gym tomorrow and head off to a race early Saturday morning.
We did go off to the Forum Shops afterwards to walk it off. That made me feel a bit better about it...and then I remember the cheesecake.
Tonight we head out to meet some friends from work then maybe a movie after that.
A great day....

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Bling

Hung up my bling today in my home office. Most of it is from 2012. When I was finished I took a step back for a moment to look it over. Wow. I really have accomplished a lot this past year. I have come far from where I started.

2013, I'm Ready!

"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals."-Henry David Thoreau 

The above quote spoke to me as I sat here pondering what I wanted to accomplish for the upcoming year. There are a few that are not easily measured by any stats, medals, of finish lines. Some run much deeper then that. This upcoming year is about being the best version of myself that I can be and that will require a lot of work on my part.

I do want to rekindle that love of running that I had prior to last year. That undeniable feeling of accomplishment that I had when I finished a race. My last 5K race was filled with self-doubt. I didn't like feeling that way at all.

Recently I had a few runs that were pretty nice, but naturally I will need to build myself back up again especially after breaking my toe in October.

I know I have it in me. I have the will, and the desire. The rest will come with hard work and determination.

What's on deck for me?
    1. To attempt one new fitness activity per month (a new class, a new distance, etc)
    2. To PR at the 5K distance. It has been a long time since I have done that. Too long.
    3. To do another obstacle course run. By the looks of it right now probably more than one will occur in 2013. 
    4. To do more half marathons in 2013 then I completed in 2012 (which was three).
    5. To pick a full marathon in 2014 to train for. Frankly this scares the living...well you know...out of me. I need to do it though. I am a "give me a challenge" type of girl.
    6. Kick up my weight training. Need to visit my personal trainer more often.
    7. Skydiving. Enough said.
    8. Pick a Triathlon-thought of the Iron Girl here but the waters of Lake Las Vegas are gross
    9. To become more involved in the running community.
    10. Races for 2013:
      • Mardi Gras Masquerade 5K - February 2013
      • Red Rock Half Marathon - March 2013
      • Cirque De Soleil 5K - March 2013
      • Spartan Race - April 2013
      • Labor of Love Half Marathon - April 2013
      • Warrior Dash - May 2013
      • Rogue Runner Race - May 2013 (TBD - will depend on location which has not been announced yet)
      • Twilight Red Rock Half Marathon
      • Veterans Day 11K - November 2013
These are just a few of the races I would like to do. I know there will be some races through the Las Vegas Track Club that I will do as well.

Outside of my fitness goals I do have two other personal goals for 2013. One is to graduate with my Master's Degree in Organizational Leadership (currently in my second to last class).

The second is to write another book of poetry, I  was published in 2007 and recently was sent information on a grant to write a second one. Wish me luck there, it would be a huge endeavor but would be awesome to receive that funding.

I guess we will see how well I did about this time next year. Please share what goals you have set for yourself as well. Let's cheer each other on!

    Tuesday, December 4, 2012

    Hike with Castle

    Took my dog Castle up to the park for a nice little 1 mile hike this afternoon.

    Looking Back on 2012

    These were my goals that I had set in 2012. Let's talk a look and see how well I did. 
    • To do my very best at the Tinkerbell Half Marathon in January and to fully enjoy the experience {DONE}
    • Run at least one more half marathon (other than Tinkerbell) {DONE - though I was shooting for four - I hit three)
    • Begin preparing for a full marathon in late 2012 or early 2013 (NOT STARTED)
    • Run in a mud run/obstacle course {DONE}
    • Run at least one race every month (10K or 5K) {Sadly I missed out on this one}
    • Become a Fitfluential Ambassador. {DONE}
    • Continue to increase readership of my blog {Work In Progress}
    • Finish my Master’s Degree {Should be done by April!!!}
    • GET MARRIED!!!! {YAY- did that!}
    • Make sure my friends always know how much they mean to me...{I hope I did okay here too}
    • To let go of all the things that have bothered me in 2011 {I think I did well here too}
    • Forgive myself for my mistakes {ongoing, but doing better}
    Overall I did well I think. I am still working on a few things which I will likely add to my list of goals for 2013. 

    I have also been able to be there to see my brother-in-law get married and then the week after my best friend and sister Sarah got married. My friend Angela celebrated her first anniversary of her wedding in November. 

    One major thing I learned this past year is that this crazy life, with all of its ups and downs, is pretty awesome. I have wonderful friends, have reconnected with some family I have not seen for years, and I have hit some benchmarks that last year seemed pretty daunting. 

    Insert little pat on back here. 

    Saturday, December 1, 2012


    This is where all my basic blogs will be posted since I can use a mobile site. However, any contest, sponsored posts, or product reviews will be posted on my website only.