Saturday, August 24, 2013

Linked Up & Signed On (Just What is All This Social Media Stuff About?) #FFTech

I remember it clearly - it was my first time. I was a spry young college student accessing my computer to check my email. I waited, patiently (now...even a nano-second seems too long) for that buzz, crackle, and ring as my tenacious dial-up modern connected me to that vast network they called the INTERNET. It was love at first click.

A lot has changed since then. My relationship with the web has grown and changed many times over the years.

My how far we both have come. 

The web has grown like an out of control wildfire, creating an ever changing landscape, some things have survived and others didn't.  We have seen the advent of social media grow from its humble beginnings with such things as guestbooks and interest boards to Pinterest, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram just to name a few. Just like any child it has had its growing pains but now that it is a little bit older it has become an asset to those that choose to use it wisely. 

Some say it is all just too much. "Bah humbug!" I say to those people, my husband being one of them. He says that at times I am "too connected". He does have Facebook but that is about it. I do understand that mentality though. I now sit here and think of the number of times I have been out with the hubby and have "had" to check my phone for email, messages, Facebook, twitter and the myriad of other apps that always await my attention. I have heard often the "Can't you just  put that thing down?" more than a few times. Yes folks there does need to be balance. It can be tricky to find that balance but it is worth the effort to do so. 

By a virtual raise of hands who has been on their mobile device, while on a PC or Mac, looking at multiple outlets?


Social media has helped me tremedously as it allows me to stay in touch with friends and family. Since moving to Las Vegas in 2007 it was hard for me to make that transition. Many of those I hold near and dear to my heart are now spread across the county and live in different time zones in some cases, making phone calls a bit of a challenge. Without social media I would not be able to have the type of interaction I do, visual and conversational, without using these outlets. 

I have also been able to reconnect with friends I have not seen in many years and was even able to help with my high school reunion using, you guessed it, social media. I have seen kids grow up, families and friends achieve success, and have benefited in the form of my own personal growth. I cannot count the number of awesome people I have encountered and friends I have made simply due to this little thing we call social media. It really does bring people together.

I recently taught a class to small business owners and showed them how to link their social media together and the ways it can be used to send messages important to their business all at once across several channels. One comment I got often, "You can really do that?" You bet. The trouble wth social media is that on the front end it can take some time to set up, link up, and use. However, like anything, it really comes down to the amount of time you are willing to invest to get it going. Once you do that, everything else will come a little at a time. My best advice? See what other companies and blogs similar to yours do for a week. Just watch. I believe once you do that you will see how it can be an useful tool.

I will always come back to the potential that lies in social media. Potential that needs to be worked.

Here are just some reasons to love social media:
  • gateway for users to seek out people and companies that have similar interests
  • connect with friends and family in different time zones 
  • business can search for and seek out new trends that affect their markets using hashtags
  • become more engaged with clients, customers, and blog readers 
  • social media applications are often free (though some are not and all have a time investment) 
  • can offer businesses a way to offer a better customer service experience
  • "The Kevin Bacon Effect" - if you have every played the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon game you know that the amount of people who know people can easily add up
  • find new customers or readers that are seeking out new products, services, or information online
  • YOU pick how engaged you want to become
  • it can be for your business or personal use
  • it's not going away - so it's better to get on board early than get left out in the cold later

Social media is not something to be feared but something to be embraced. You choose what applications benefit you. Look at web pages, blogs, company pages similar to yours and see what they use and how they use it. Is that something you could benefit from? Learning how to set it up and how to use can be daunting but before you take that step find out what avenues are going to be a good fit for you by doing that research. 

See you all soon on Twitter (@K_Hannington) or on Facebook at Run with K.




Thursday, August 15, 2013

Lunch Break Bookworm

Decided to do a little reading on my lunch instead of the gym (that will happen after work).

Iron Girl Training - Week Four #irongirl

Sunday 8/11 - So much for a restful weekend. This time my ass kicking was in the form of Jillian Michaels and her "fancy, wancy" workout called 30 Day Shred. I felt fine through the entire workout but at dinner the next evening I had a difficult time stepping off the bar stool I was perched on. Sigh. It as all good, a great workout in a short time is never bad. Love the idea of strength training, cardio and abs in three circuits. Killer workout from a killer fitness buff. Kudos!

Monday 8/12 - Snuck in a 20 minute run on my lunch break. 1.68 miles in 23:12. Legs very heavy thanks to Sunday's workout.

Tuesday 8/13 - REST DAY  - See above. LOL.

Wednesday 8/14  Made a quick trip to the gym and was able to get a 1.24 mi run in , 00:15:00 with a 12:05 pace. I guess being in a hurry works for me. Despite having this short window of time to work with and going at the worst time of day (around 5 pm) I was still happy that I squeezed in this run. Still haven't hit the pool or bike yet this week but thinking Saturday night will be the ticket for both.

Thursday 8/15 - Saturday 8/16 Sadly I don't work out these days due to work and some time needed for hubby. I also attended an event for SGK. Life happens. Sometimes you just have to roll with it.

On to week 5!!!


Saturday, August 10, 2013

Iron Girl Training - Week Three #irongirl

My Week in Review

August 4-10, 2013

Sunday 8/4- I spent most of my morning, which began at 7 AM thanks to my crazy dog Castle, doing laundry and cleaning (took ALL of the curtains down and washed them). After  that I headed over to my friend Anna-Lee's to see that beautiful baby Jesse and get some photos for her. He is now 6 weeks old and already a heart breaker. After I left I headed home to let the dog out and get his dinner going. Then, while he ate, I threw on the workout clothes and headed out on the bike. Originally I planned on 13.1 to get my Doctor Who Challenge in but I spent too much time (and who wouldn't?) with that cutie pie Jesse. However, I was able to get just a smidgen over 5 miles in and discovered one major issue with the bike, the seat sucks. Now before you tell me to get a gel seat, I actually have one, it just kept sliding off no matter how tight I had it on. It was like that bike had it out for me. About a quarter of a mile in and my arse already was killing me but I refused to stop. I wanted to get this ride in bad. Guess what? I did just that. That first half was a steady incline and though it was killer on the legs (a good thing) it was really nice on the way back. Really liked the ride despite the issue with the seat. It felt good to be outside and to enjoy the scenery, much better experience than at the gym right? I also remembered I had a Camelback Hydration Pack so earlier in the day I had prepped that for my ride. It may have sucked for running but it was a joy for riding.

Monday 8/6 - An after work run which I am pretty proud of. It was not because of how fast I ran (I laughed as I typed that) it was more so because I hadn't felt that good running in quite some time. The first mile I had heavy legs but they eased up a bit as I progressed. I did take one minute brisk walk breaks every .5 miles until I finished the 3.17 mile run. My lungs felt good, and in time my legs hit their groove. Pace was slow as usual but I was more concerned with stamina and I think I am inching in the right direction.

Wednesday 8/7 - Despite my hatred of mornings, for anything other then relaxing and drinking coffee, I went out on my bike and did a few laps around the neighborhood. I did the .24 mile route around my house a few times and then a few out and back trips on the main road which are about .50 miles.The good thing about the seemingly crazy route is that on both routes there are hills and inclines. In my neighborhood alone, one quarter of the block is a nice incline and this happens on the return trip on the route outside my development. I kept mixing it up between the two to keep from getting bored, but the workout itself was awesome and my legs definitely felt it. I even did a faster pace with this one over Monday's ride. 

Thursday 8/8 - Rest Day. We had plans to meet up with the in-laws for dinner at Gordon Biersch. I had a great meal - steak frites along with one sangria mojito. Very unique but tasty drink. 

Friday 8/9  - I was up pretty early to get prepared for my social media class (which was a fantastic experience by the way). Later on in the day I went to the gym to do my first brick workout and it was, in a word, AWESOME. Wish I had done this a long time ago even before I decided on the Iron Girl. If you want more information on what a brick workout entails and why it is a great workout even if you are not training for a triathlon check out this article - What Is a "Brick" Workout And Why Do Triathletes Do Them?

I started my brick workout with the plan to do two tenty minute sessions each of the bike and of running. I started with the bike since this will happen first in my triathlon thus helping learn what it will feel like when I transition from one stage to the next. I did this one at the gym so as to shorten the lag time between each section. It went pretty well, the only snag was my right foot slipped off the pedal twice but nothng major. I recovered quickly.

I then moved right on over to the treadmill to do my run. I was pleasantly surprised by how well this went. I have always struggled with my stamina but I am starting to think the biking I have sone lately has helped. I normally have to add a few short breaks but not today. I went straight through. I kept the pace slow on purpose with the intent to increase over the last five minutes which I did - getting up to 10:45 min/mile on the last minute. I will increase the overall pace the next time as well hoping to get my legs to get on board. They were a bit heavy at first as to be expected but overall they felt great and I didn't have any soreness in my knees at all. PROGRESS!

Saturday 8/9 - Vinyasa Yoga Class at Barbara Greenspun with the talented Jen. I really loved her class in the past but after focusing on running and strength training I forgot how helpful yoga was. I was a lot more flexible this time then I had been in the past which was a pleasant surprise. I was so relaxed after that class and I will definitely be adding that back into my reportoire. 

Today my cousin (in-law) Jami  regsitered for the Color Run 5K as well. Excited!

Overview - All in all it was a great week. I had a plan and I stuck to it. I didn't waiver much and when I had to adjust due to work I made sure that I did it properly and didn't just skip a workout. I didn't swim this week because I wanted to focus on getting used to the bike. It seems to be working. My legs are starting to feel more solid. Tonight it date night with the hubby, and tomorrow I will be heading out on the bike again. I also plan to do some strength training as well.

Upcoming Event of Interest:

Jen, the yoga instructor, mentioned the Vegas Gone Yoga! Festival to be held on September 22nd at Springs Preserve. I have a few yogi friends in Vegas that may be interested in this. 
The festival will offer a variety of classes throughout the day including Ashtanga, Vinyasa (flow), Kundalini, classes for beginners, yoga with live music, Power classes, Partner Yoga, Yoga-Pilates Fusion and Deep Relaxation with Aromatherapy Yoga.
Sounds like a pretty cool day, check out their website for more information and to purchase tickets.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Iron Girl Training - Week Two

I began this week by building on week one, and already have increased things more so heading in to week three. We finished getting the bike together last week and now I just need to get things together for materials (what to wear, etc) and then research transition from one stage to the next. I am the type to be OVER prepared so that is actually my real concern - having too much stuff. I need to develop a real and practical list so that I don't over plan and prepare for every little thing that 'may' happen.

Nothing really crazy to report abut week two so this blog will be short - but getting excited as the days go on. Little nervous about the swim, not going to lie, but I think it is going to wicked fun.