Saturday, July 13, 2013

Overcoming Obstacles

We all have obstacles in life. There is not much we can do to prevent them but how we react to them can often define the person we are and perhaps who we will become in the future as well. Whether those obstacles are physical, emotional, financial or geographical we each have our own unique way of facing them. Some need time and understanding. Some require patience from family and friends. Other require us to help each other push things in the right direction. No matter what the circumstance though, every obstacle requires some amount of courage. 

I asked this question of a few friends and co-coworkers, "What obstacles have you faced since the beginning of 2013, and how did you overcome them?" Many were shy, understandably, but one did respond. To keep this person's identity anonymous I will use the name Chris.

"[It all]  starts with me having terrible 2012 – a breakup (world fell apart and such) and life seemed dim. Life’s colors weren’t so bright and my running wasn’t as enjoyable. I always ran though, that won’t ever be taken from me.
 In 2013 life got brighter – it wasn’t just one thing I did but maybe it was – that is I finally let go of the negative and really lived again. No one was going to do it for me. I had to do it myself and then life’s colors were in full bloom again.  It was important for me to do because it was just that little bit of pain/negativity that kept me from fully enjoying the wonderful life I have. As soon I let go, which was just by doing the things I love and finding the positive side.”
The thing I have learned from this was that no matter what the circumstances, we need to latch on to someone and/or something that we love to help us get through these challenging times. I still struggle with letting go of things that have hurt me or my perceptions of these moments. Yes, people really can be, well ASSES. Yes, you will get angry when things go badly. Yes, you may need to vent to friends, on Facebook, wherever. Do it if it makes YOU feel better. If it doesn't re-evaluate. Maybe venting is not the answer. You may just need to take another step back in order to move forward. 

 However, at some point when that anger or sadness begins to be all-consuming, we may need to take a step back, as Chris did, and fall back on those people or things that bring us comfort. It make time to discover what works, and what works one day may not the next. Take it one day at a time. One foot before the other. 

So again I ask, “What obstacles have YOU faced recently and how did you OVERCOME them? Are you still dealing with those issues? What are your outlets?” 

Feel free to share your story but if not, take solace in the fact that you are most undoubtedly not alone. 

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