Friday, July 26, 2013

Getting Ready for Iron Girl - Week One

Week One Review

This first week of training went well but could have gone better. I got some solid workouts in this week but know that I need to increase it going into week two. I did have a crazy but productive work week so I am pretty happy with what I was able to do in light of that but know that I still have more to do. I was supposed to go to my first spin class on Monday which got changed to this evening, but my work week caught up with me (that and a crappy night of sleep last night) so I decided I needed a rest day. I am hoping to get that first spin class in on Monday night instead. I really want to do it and tell you all about my first class. 

I started doing some research on the Sprint Triathlon and am looking into what to wear and what to do in preparation for the transitions. It seems daunting so I am going to take it in chunks. First I need to find what to wear, and from what advice I have gotten from others,  I may decide to buy a multi-function outfit that can go from stage to stage. If that is the case I will need to do that this weekend so I can practice going from a wet suit to a bike beforehand. I am sure it will be uncomfortable so I want to make sure I know that noe. Which brings me to my next issue. 

The bike I have is more of a mountain style bike, not a road bike. We have also have had issues on the tires staying inflated which means that we will need to replace the tubing in each tire which my hubby swears he will do (hopefully soon). This bike will at least get me acclimated to outdoor biking again. In particular, doing so in Vegas weather. Yet, I know I will need to solve the bike problem somehow. Possibly rent one, or look into a used one. Not sure on that yet.

Tonight is my rest night, and I have some swimming and running on deck this weekend as well. My issue with swimming is feeling like a bit of a dork at the pool in my gym. Still not quite comfy with practicing there. I feel awkward. I miss having my own pool. Yet, I know it is something I will evetually get over the more I go. 

I need to work on my training plan for the coming week on Sunday. I am using a Triathlon training app but it isn't very flexible and I cannot seem to find one that I can pick and choose what days and what workoust I do. I cannot always swim on day one, bike day two, etc. My schedule is too chaotic to aow me to do that. My late night is now Wednesday evenings, which is new, so I had to do a lot of adjusting this week to accomodate that and my hubby's schedule since he has softball too. We have a 2 1/2 year old dog, that is often vivacious (aka he gets himself into mischief), and rightfully so  I have to limit how long he is left unattended. Just not fair to have him left alone that long. So I try to use those days to take hime for a walk, or a short run, to get him some excercise too. 

I have also started to track my steps on a pedometer (new gadget: Jawbone UP) and my food intake to make sure that I am getting the right nutrition in as well. One thing I have noticed so far was that my sugar intake was wicked high in the beginning of the week, so now I have that under control. I have up my fruits and veggies and am trying to be more picky about what carbs I am taking in too. 

I am also happyand extremeley grateful that the folks at Iron Girl gave me permission to use their "in training" logo on my site. I had it on my first post but took it down after my friend said that she got hers from them directly. She is an official blogger for the Vegas event as I mentioned in my previous post. I decided that it couldn't hurt to ask them if I could use it. Through twitter I received an email address from them and requested permission, which I received a few days later with the logo attached. A good reminder to not just use what you find in a google search. A quick email was all it took. 

There is just so much to think about but am really excited about this race. In three months from today I will see if all this hard work will pay off. I must say though, no matter what happens, I am pretty happy that I decided to do something that scares me a little. I did it before with obstacle course races, and now with the Iron Girl. It feels good to try something new, and I see myself doing it more and more. I don't want to miss out on any new opportunities just because I feel uncertain. I just want to continue to be brave. 

Have a great weekend everyone and swift feet to all those racing this weekend. 


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