Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Running From an Angel (Race Report)

Last Saturday I ran in the Running from an Angel 5K. I wanted to do the half marathon but since I have not been running as much I should I opted to just keep at this distance until I am back on my feet - so to speak. My friend Angela of Sole Sister on the Run (see Link Love page for her site) was running the half so though we drove up separately we hung out a bit before the race and tried out best to keep warm. It was a pretty chilly morning in Vegas with temps just barely hitting 30 degrees, but with the wind it was bitter. We both knew we would warm up after we got going but it wasn't much consolation while we waited.

At 8:30 Am Angela was off on her race and I had about 15 minutes to wait till mine would begin. I hid as best as I could next to the ladies room since it was both in the sunshine and away from that wind. I chatted with a few runners that were there.

At 8:45 AM my race began and despite the incline heading out I kept at it, no walk breaks, even if it meant I had to go slow. Typical for me I found the first mile the most challenging, especially because some of that was head on into the wind. I was glad that I had kept my jacket on despite knowing that later I would have to shed it.

I did pretty well on the first mile, but did struggle more than usual which I am not surprised about since I realized that I didn't have my inhaler. I seem to need it more when it is cold then any other time. Still I just kept trucking on, giving myself kudos when I felt good and told myself to keep at it when I felt fatigued. I was cheered on by a few passing runners and returned that favor with others I saw struggling as well. I love that about runners, always encouraging one another to do our best.

I didn't look at my pace and even kept the ear buds out, just had the music on low. I figured I was averaging around 11-11:30 min/mile and sure enough when I looked at the results I ended at 11:30. I didn't beat my last 5K race but only by 7 seconds. Still on track. I know once this class is over, and I am able to train more consistently, that it will come together.

I was happy to see that in my age group I placed fourth. Pretty cool!

Here are the official results:


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