Saturday, December 28, 2013

Testing the Waters (Flashback Post from 2011)

I used to have a photo blog and I am going to start incoporating those posts here. I would like to close that blog down and have everything in one location. Here is one such post from 2011. Enjoy!

[London Bridge, Lake Havasu City, AZ, 2011] I am sure you would fully expect a picture of the bridge based on the above location but I did choose this photo for a very important reason. I was recently reminded of the importance of "testing the waters". The little guy to the left tipped his toe in several times to see if he was absolutely certain he wanted to go in. He looked around a bit, saw what the other guys were doing, but still stuck that toe in one more time to be sure. Recently I did the same thing.

I used to be friends, good friends, with someone who ultimately let me down in what to me was a very deep and hurtful manner. I didn't speak to this person for several years and it wasn't until a gesture of kindness when my mom passed did I let this person back in. Yet, I did so very carefully. I have since learned that things hadn't changed much at all with this person and I decided that I didn't need that "darkness" in my life. So without much fanfare I just ended communication. I am still grateful that I gave it a shot though. I would have always felt some guilt if I hadn't tried. But now I can move forward as I have been since all those years ago without a heavy heart, guilt or trepidation that I did or didn't do the right thing. I guess my point is that sometimes you need to give things all your gusto right from the beginning, but with other situations you may need to just stick a toe in and see what it may be like before you totally commit to it. Either way, my feathered friend made me feel at ease that I did the right thing for me, at this moment, and that is all I can really ask for in life.

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