Wednesday, December 20, 2017

For my runner/fitness friends, good through tomorrow. Use code JOLLYBEE for 25% off. [Cannot combine with hive discount for ambassadors]. #StingorBeeStung

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My mantra these days...

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Gift card plus rainy day = movie. Never got to see the Justice League so getting that one in. Only one in the theatre. Woot!

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Following a training plan (Galloway) & did my 30 min. I did 30 sec walk, slightly below normal pace for me, at pace, then above pace. I'm hoping to trick my mind/body into accepting it can actually run faster than it thinks. So today, mileage didn't matter. #movemorefitness #sweatpink #hshive #nuunlife

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I woke up early but pup got to sleep in a bit longer. Coffee & cuddles. #coffee☕ #puppytime🐶

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Saturday, December 9, 2017