Sunday, September 7, 2014

Ireland Day 4 - PSU vs. UCF at Croke Park #PSUnrivaled

Saturday morning was game day. One of the most important parts of our trip here to some extent because it gave us an opportunity to travel to one place I had always dreamed about. First we need some breakfast to fuel up so we found a little café along the way.

After breakfast we started our trek up to Croke Park and had about an hour to kill before we had to be at the Stadium so we stopped by a small museum called the Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane. It was free admission so it was a no brainer. The gallery was small but had some awesome pieces including some Renoit, Monet and even Degas, and a cotemporary artist called Eva Rothschild. Her work was more modern for my liking but it was interesting, colorful, and unique.

Soon though our trek landed us at Croke Park, a stadium that holds roughly 80,000 people. On game day we were about 50,000 strong from both sides. The energy was amazing and after a brief stop at the gift shop to pick up my cap, we headed to our seats. On the way we ran into John from the Penn State Alumni Club in Vegas AGAIN. Too funny!

The game itself was amazing. Christian  Hackenberg, our QB, looked strong despite some hiccups. The offense and defense made some errors along the way including a few penalties that were mind boggling. Despite this the Nittany Nation kept the energy high and despite a comeback from UCF we managed to keep that energy going until the end of the game which resulted in a PSU win over UCF after a stunning field goal from Ficken! I turned my head just before he kicked the ball, unable to look, but heard the yells from fans around me and knew that we had one in the win column. Ben gave me grief about missing that play, but hey, we won. That is all that mattered to me! It was so exciting to be there and also to see history made as Hackenberg was the first Penn State player to reach over 400 yards in a single game. According to he rolled over that mark with a stellar 454 yards in total. We did make mistakes but we finsihed strong. In true Nittany style! #PSUnrivaled

Here are some shots from the game:

Pre-Game Festivities
Apparently the UCF skydiver missed the field. Foreshadowing of what was to come?

Ben and Me waiting for kick off!

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